What can science tell us about queuing?
Advanced lesson plan (B2 and above): What can science tell us about queuing? - BUY ME A COFFEE if you like my FREE ESL content Social scientists have found queuing behaviour is governed by "the rule of six". On average, we will wait six minutes in a queue before giving up in frustration. In addition, people are unlikely to join a queue that has more than six people in it. Finally, six inches (15cm) of personal space is the minimum distance required between participants in a queue to avoid stress. In this B2+ worksheet, students will Study a video about the science of queuing Learn six line-related idioms Discuss six phrasal verbs based on WAIT (to WAIT around, to WAIT on someone, to WAIT up for someone, etc.) See advanced adjectives to describe people waiting in line Read and answer questions about the "rule of six" in queuing Differentiate between negative modal verbs of obligation (mustn't, shouldn't, to not have to) Educational material...